The Geraldine High School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) works to support our wonderful school and its students.

Our Objectives

  • to foster a spirit of co-operation, understanding and goodwill between staff, parents, friends, Board of Trustees and the Geraldine community on matters concerning the welfare of Geraldine High School and its pupils
  • to support Geraldine High School in its efforts to involve parents and whanau in the education of its pupils
  • to advocate on behalf of parents/whanau and young people regarding education, family and youth issues
  • to offer practical and financial assistance to the school, by way of fundraising, grants and parent involvement
  • to carry out other activities consistent with the charitable objects of the Society.

We are a member of the national organisation, NZPTA, that advocates for the benefit of students and their families at the national level.

Getting involved in the PTA is easy. Just come along to our monthly meeting and consider supporting any initiatives that might be undertaken. The PTA is a great way to meet other parents, too.

For more information, please contact:

Email: pta@geraldinehs.school.nz

President: Rodger Leigh

Treasurer: Karen Pace

Secretary: Kaye McCurdy

Student Rep: Mackenzie Waldron

Teacher Rep: Steve Ludwig

BoT Rep: Sharon Wallace

Uniform Rep: Trudie Banks

Additional Members: Sally Houston, William/Marie Moore, Trisha Reader