Principal's Message

Nau Mai, Haere Mai, welcome to Geraldine High School.

At Geraldine High School, we have high expectations of our students and enjoy challenging and encouraging them to reach their personal excellence.

We pride ourselves on personalising the education of our learners, having students at the center of all decisions, and developing a deep sense of belonging to the school and the wider community.

We are proud of our co-educational tradition as we believe it promotes rich social values that allow our young people to move on to the next phase of their lives with confidence and optimism. Celebrating diversity, understanding gender differences, and developing interpersonal skills are critical in producing connected and socially adjusted young people.

We value the support of our parents and believe they are a vital cog in the education of our ākonga. We place great importance on informing parents of a student’s progress and consider it fundamental to student achievement.

Geraldine High School is a genuine community school, proud of being the first Year 7-13 High School in New Zealand. We welcome all new students and their families as part of our exciting future.


Ngā mihi nui 


Marcus Cooper


Geraldine High School/Te Kura Tuarua o Raukapuka