Sports at GHS

Welcome to the Geraldine Sports web pages. Here you should find all the information that you need around the sports that we offer at school or in conjunction with some of our fantastic sports clubs in Geraldine.

Meet the Team

Janet Harding 

I am the Sports Co-ordinator at Geraldine High School. I have been involved in Sport for many years as a player, coach, umpire, teacher and parent. I love watching Sports and my current interest is in biking, exploring the many different Cycle Trails we have in NZ.

Sally Houston

I am an assistant Sports Co-ordinator at GHS. I have been involved in sport all my life and I love it because of the amazing feeling you have when you are fit and active, not to mention the awesome friendships made along the way. I still play competitive netball, and enter some running/multi sport events when I have time. I have spent many years playing, coaching, managing, and umpiring sport, while also contributing to my children’s chosen sports on many levels. 

Carl Hudson

This year I am the Sports Director at GHS. I love sport as a whole and want to see our students being involved in anything and everything they can. Previously, I have played Rugby, Hockey, Cricket, Golf, Touch, Basketball and the list goes on. My time is now spent chasing my kids around their various sports and helping out where I can with those teams.