GHS Sustainability Group
GHS Sustainability Group
The Geraldine HS Sustainability Group is up and running for its’ second year.
Getting back into sorting recycling has been the major activity for Term 1, as well as forming a committee. Our committee consists of a youth and senior leader, as well as leaders for our recycling, media and secretaries to keep track of our meetings! Congratulations go to:
Senior Leader: Adriana Savage
Junior Leader: Anya Johnston
Recycling Leaders: Ashley Looman and Elin Beertsen
Secretaries: Mackenzie Waldron and Rachel Croft
Media: Crystal Layno, Chloe Newport, Hollie Wooding and Danielle Marriott (thanks to this team for making the video attached).
We have also had Chris Konings the Biodiversity Facilitator for South Canterbury come and talk to us about EcoYouth and what his vision is for our region.
Next steps are planning out some action items for the rest of the year.