Community Notices
Community Notices
Geraldine’s Shop Window CompetitionThere are 13 nativity characters hidden in shop windows around town. Match the business with thecharacter hidden in their shop window and drop your entry into St Andrew’s Church Office (Wilson Street)or Church Foyer (Cox Street entrance). Entries need to be in by 5pm Friday 15 December to go into thedraw to win a Family Christmas Hamper (Thank you to Geraldine Businesses for contributing to this prize).Two consolation prizes are also up for grabs! Queries to
Entry Form attached below.
Reminder to all rangatahi and their whanau that Year 9 to 18th Birthday “Free Dental” is available, book in with your dentist for your yearly check-up.
Yearly dental check-ups are one of the best ways to prevent poor oral health and protect youthful smiles
If you can’t remember what dentist you are enrolled with or have any questions, please contact the Adolescent Regional Coordinator 0800 825 583 /
Our Website has all the contracted dentists listed.
Geraldine Pool is now open for the summer season