Year 9
Code: 9AGR
Agriculture in Y9 provides an overview of some of NZ's major primary industries.
You need to have a genuine interest in things agriculture and horticulture. You need to be willing to work in teams, learn new things and challenge yourself to gain knowledge and skills.
This course will cover:
An overview of NZ primary industries
Dairy farming and its products
Poultry farming
Plant structure and function
Practical plant growing skills
Careers in the Primary Industries
Year 10
Code: 10AGR
Agriculture in Y10 continues on with introducing students to some of New Zealand’s other major primary industries.
This is a great course to take if you are
considering taking Level 1 Agriculture in Year 11 or the Primary Industry Academy. This course will cover:
Importance of the Primary Industries
Primary Industry geography
Animal production
Plant production
Practical horticulture skills