Level 2 Biology

Level 2 Biology

Last week the Level 2 Biologists were lucky to have Richard George from Barker’s come and talk to us about enzyme use in industry - in particular how enzymes are utilised or stopped during the manufacture of Barker’s food products.

The Level 2 students have been learning about enzymes and factors that can affect them such as temperature, pH levels, concentration of the substrate or concentration of the enzyme.  We learnt some interesting facts about apples, wasabi and blackcurrants!  

We would like to thank Richard for giving up his time and coming along - he was a wealth of knowledge! We would also like to thank Liam Brown from Venture Timaru who organised this contact and came along as well.

It is great to have some contextualised learning - what we learn in the classroom does have strong links to the real world.

Posted Tuesday March 18, 2025
