Get to know your Student Exec 2024
Get to know your Student Exec 2024
Head and Deputy Head Students
Harrison Taylor, Valentina Stimolo Varela, Ella Waldron and Jess Cradock
Kia Ora!
We are your head students, Harrison Taylor and Valentina Stimolo, and your Deputy Head students, Ella Waldron and Jess Cradock. We are so excited to be leaders of Te Kura Tuarua o Rukapuka for this year and can't wait to see what 2024 will bring! We aim to build a strong sense of community within the school and reinvigorate school spirit. We feel that the Whakatauki for this year "Ka hono, ka tipu, kia eke atu tātou" which translates to “Connect and grow to push our limits” firmly represents this aim as it connects students of all ages and backgrounds, and encourages them to challenge themselves to explore their true potential. Our student Exec vision for this year is “To be remembered as a motivating, inclusive and vibrant exec that leads with passion.” We believe these are key traits that will allow us to meet our goals for the school as well as support the student body both inside and outside of school.
Nga mihi nui,
GHS Head Students 2024
Arts Leader
Imma De la Torre
Kia ora, I am Imma De la Torre and I have the privilege of being Geraldine High School’s Arts Leader for 2024. The artists at Geraldine High School and those who are interested in participating in any form of the Arts will be offered opportunities in which they will be able to showcase their talent to the school and the wider community.
This year, there are many events lined up for all kinds of artists we have at school, such as music events for our musicians, our school production, the Shakespeare Festival for our performing artists and various art & photography competitions for those who are passionate about the subject.
It is my goal to promote and highlight the many passions surrounding the Arts at Geraldine High School as I believe the stage and the canvas are where people are best brought together, to ‘Connect and grow to push our limits’.
Thank you.
Rangatahi Leader
Ebony Pierson
Kia Ora Kura
Ko Ebony Tōku Ingoa and I am your Rangatahi leader and student BOT rep for 2024.
This year, I focus on bringing more awareness, encouragement and involvement to the bi-culturalism within our school and community. I want to ensure an inclusive environment for our Māori culture and a welcoming one as well.
By bringing awareness to bi-culturalism, I want to bring a connection between the students and the board of trustees also by communicating students' needs and ensuring that their voice is heard.
I am looking forward to 2024 and the new relationships I am going to be making.
Nga Mihi Nui
House Leaders
Millie Trounson (Tripp House), Sarah Anderson (Cox House), Shelby Henson (Macdonald House), and Sophie Thorpe (Acland House).
Kia Ora Koutou,
We are your House Leaders for 2024!
We are excited for the opportunity to be your house leaders and we are looking forward to all of our upcoming house events throughout this year. We hope that all students will participate, to keep up the house spirit and give everything a go no matter what. We want our events to be fun and memorable as we incorporate our new ideas into them. We want to include the Kura’s Whakatauki (School’s Theme) of “Connect and grow to push our limits”, throughout our leadership by being supportive, encouraging, vibrant, and by helping others to strive and achieve their goals. As house leaders we want to create a supportive environment where we embrace challenges by stepping outside of our comfort zones and celebrate successes, not just individually but as a house. We look forward to seeing all the students putting their best foot forward and giving it their all.
Can’t wait to see who takes the win!
Ngā mihi nui,
Millie, Sarah, Shelby, and Sophie.
Sports Leaders
Carlos Johnson and Shilah-May Bradshaw
Kia ora, we are Geraldine High School’s Sports Leaders for 2024. We are both excited to contribute to the school with our positions. We are super passionate about our sports, especially seeing sports in school. Our aim for the year is to inspire more students to partake and participate in more sports and sporting events.
This year we hope to bring a positive and inviting sporting environment for our students to get involved in trying new sports and pushing past their limits.
We are going to bring a sense of school spirit and good sporting culture to our Kura. This year we will uplift and motivate our peers in their respected sporting areas.
With all the sporting events to come this year, we will remind you all to "connect and grow to push our limits".
Nga mihi nui,
Carlos and Shilah-May