Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition


Code: L1FOT

Course Description

This course allows you to develop a broad understanding of nutrition, with a particular focus on the nutritional needs of teenagers. You will add to your ability to plan and prepare meals, and to develop products to meet specific needs and design specifications. The development and refinement of practical skills will feature throughout the course. When combined with a Science, Food Technology leads on to even more exciting career pathways.

Course of Study

Safe food handling practices

Nutritional needs of teenagers

Planning and preparing food to meet specified needs

Planning and developing food products

Knife handling skills

Selecting food and using the information on food labels and packaging


up to 21 credits


up to 17 credits

AS 90959: Strategies and knowledge to address food handling issues - 5 credits AS 91082: Development and processing of a selected food product - 4 credits AS 91056: Development of food products to meet nutritional needs - 6 credits US 21059: Knife skills and care - 2 credits


4 credits

AS 90961: Food packaging and labelling - 4 credits

Entry Criteria

Priority will be given to students who have successfully completed the Y9 or Y10 Food Technology course. A sound level of literacy is required, as is a strong work ethic.


Code: L2FOT

Course Description

Advanced product development and related topics, and the investigation of issues relating to nutrition are the focus of this course. Further development of practical food preparation and knife skills are incorporated throughout. Interest, ability and qualifications in Food Technology and/or Nutrition leads on to a variety of careers, especially but not only, when combined with a Science.

Course of Study

Investigation and development of a selected complex food product

Exploring the role of ingredients

Sensory evaluation and consumer testing

Developing a food product for a specific situation

Food preparation and presentation, and advanced knife skills

Barista (STAR funded course) - optional



20 credits

AS 91351: Implement advanced procedures to process a specified product (4 credits) AS 91352 Demonstrate understanding of concepts used in food processing (4 credits) AS 91357: Developing a prototype of a food product designed to meet a specific need/s - (6 credits or a nutrition focused alternative offering a similar number of credits) US 13285: Advanced knife skills - 2 credits

Ara PolytechnicBarista Skills (US 17285: 4 credits)


4 credits AS 91304:

Evaluating nutritional health promotion strategies - 4 credits (W) or

AS91359 Understanding ingredient evaluation in food product development - 4 credits

Entry Criteria

Priority will be given to students who have completed the Level 1 Food Technology course, gaining at least 12 credits, or at the discretion of the HOD


Code: L3FOT

Course Description

This course provides an opportunity for students to advance their food preparation and product development skills and understanding, and to improve their knowledge and application of nutrition. (Options will be available if a student wishes to specialise in just one of these areas). Success in Food Technology and/or Nutrition provides a pathway to a range of tertiary courses and can also lead directly into the industry. Students complete a series of standards, all of which include both a theory and practical component.

Course of Study

Investigation and development of a selected complex food product

Investigating the ‘science’ of supermarkets and their impact on food choices and health Nutritional issues affecting our society or community

Developing and implementing an action plan to address a selected nutritional issue Media influences on food choices

Practical coffee making – Level 3 STAR course at Ara Institute (optional)


Internal (up to 20 credits)

AS 91469: Investigate the influences supermarkets have on food choices - 6 credits AS 91466: Investigating a nutritional issue - 5 credits (R)

AS 91467: Implementing an action plan to address a nutritional issue - 5 credits AS 91463: Development of a complex food product - 6 credits or External ARA Polytechnic US 17284 & 17288 (8 credits)


AS 91471: Analysing the influence of food advertising on food choice - 4 credits (W)

This is a University Approved Course - 16 credits from the three Nutrition based standards offered, with others able to be added by negotiation.

Entry Criteria

Successful completion of the Level 2 Food Technology course or at the discretion of the HoD.

Click here to return to the course selection booklet. 

Posted Tuesday April 2, 2024
