Principal's comment 01/07/2024

Principal's comment 01/07/2024

Wow! What a season of the school production "Grease".

The students, staff and other wider community members have worked so hard over the last two terms and have delivered an outstanding production.

Participating in a school production like "Grease" offers students an invaluable experience that extends far beyond the stage. The performance of such an energetic and iconic musical production not only provides an opportunity for students to showcase their talents but also plays a crucial role in their personal and social development.

One of the most significant benefits of participating in a school production is the boost in confidence and self-esteem. Performing in front of an audience requires students to step out of their comfort zones. The process of rehearsing, perfecting their roles, and finally performing on stage helps students build self-assurance. As they receive applause and positive feedback, their confidence grows, which can positively impact other areas of their lives, including academics and social interactions.

Effective communication is a vital skill that students develop through participation in a school production. From memorizing lines and delivering dialogues to singing and dancing in sync with others, students learn the importance of clear and expressive communication. They also learn to read non-verbal cues and respond appropriately, which enhances their ability to interact with others both on and off the stage.

A successful musical production relies heavily on teamwork and collaboration. Students must work together, often across different ages, to ensure the performance runs smoothly. This collaborative effort involves understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses, offering support, and contributing to the collective goal. Through this process, students learn the value of cooperation, compromise, and mutual respect—skills that are essential for success in any group setting.

The rigorous schedule of rehearsals and preparations for a school production demands discipline and effective time management from students. Balancing academic responsibilities, sports and part time jobs with the demands of the production teaches students how to prioritise tasks and manage their time efficiently. This experience instils a sense of responsibility and accountability as they must commit to regular practice and meet deadlines.

Participating in a school production also helps students build resilience. They learn to cope with challenges such as stage fright, mistakes during performances, and the pressure of meeting high expectations. Overcoming these obstacles teaches them perseverance and the ability to remain calm under pressure—qualities that are invaluable in everyday life.

I would like to thank our staff Eliza Williams, Rhiannon Murdoch, Andrea Hornsby and Zoe McGarrity, alongside members of the community, Kimble Henderson, Pauline Ramsey, Ella Neutze and Ann Williams and all their team for the work they have put into this great outcome for the students.

For those students who did not participate this time around, there will be more opportunities in the coming years to be a part of such an amazing experience.

In other news, the school gym is quickly being erected by Thomson's construction. At the time of writing this article, we have a third of the exterior walls in place. We are on track for an opening at the start of the new school year.

On Friday the students will be going on holiday at the completion of Term Two. The first half of the year has flown by at a great speed of knots with plenty going on for both students and staff. Please take the holidays to refresh and prepare for the challenges of the second half of the year.

Have a great break and we will see you back at the end of July!

Marcus Cooper


Geraldine High School

Te Kura Tuarua o Raukapuka

Posted Monday July 1, 2024
