Chromebooks at GHS
Chromebooks at GHS
The use of Digital Technology does not and will not replace all conventional forms of classroom practice but it is a tool that enhances the learning process by allowing students to manage their work more effectively, access a wider range of materials, augments and strengthens communication and reflects modern ways of working.
Whilst it is not compulsory for students to bring their own devices to school, teaching programmes are developed with the expectation that all students in Years 7-13 will have access to a device.
If students do not have access to a personal device, a limited supply of devices are available in the school library for short-term use and financial arrangements can be discussed with our Hauora Hub for purchasing a device for your child.
The two most common types of devices used at GHS are Chromebooks and laptops.
Lower cost
Adequate for junior years
May not be appropriate for some senior courses
More expensive than a chromebook
Suit students using specialist software packages
If you are unsure what to buy or need some support financially please contact the school office.