Optional homework for Years 9 and 10 in Mathematics and Science - supporting ākonga to be their best.

Optional homework for Years 9 and 10 in Mathematics and Science - supporting ākonga to be their best.

From the start of Term 3, Maths and Science ākonga in Years 9 and 10 will be set short and optional homework every two weeks. These online tasks will be automatically marked and be timed to take no more than 15 minutes. They are intended to be a great support to ākonga who want to check their understanding following work in class, and often will also include an extension question for ākonga who are really keen to push themselves. 

The Maths homework for Year 10 in particular is strongly recommended as a way of getting in the best shape possible for the NCEA numeracy corequisite exam in Week 9 of Term 3.

Ms Adele Quinn and Mr Kevin Weaver

Posted Monday July 1, 2024
