From the Tumuaki

From the Tumuaki

Nau mai haere mai!

Welcome back to Geraldine High School for another action packed year. To our new students and families we extend a warm welcome and an assurance that we will do everything we can to make sure that your young people transition to life at Geraldine with warmth, care and affection. I too am new to this school so will be using the next couple of months to learn the systems and processes that drive the school. I will be visiting as many classes and school programmes to meet the students and staff in action. I will be visible out in the community as much as possible so if you see me out and about please say hello. If there is anything that you would like to discuss about the school please feel free to come into the school and have a chat. To start the year I have included some helpful tips below for students to make the best start possible and reach their personal excellence in 2024.

Embrace a Positive Attitude: Manaakitanga (School Value) Responsibility

  • Approach each day with a positive mindset. Challenges will arise, but your attitude plays a crucial role in overcoming them. Stay optimistic, be open to new experiences, and believe in your ability to succeed.

Build Relationships: Whanaungatanga (School Value) Relationships

  • Take the time to connect with other students, teachers, and staff. Building positive relationships creates a supportive community and enriches your overall school experience. Collaboration and teamwork often lead to greater success.

Set Goals: Manaakitanga (School Value) Responsibility

  • Define both short-term and long-term goals for yourself. These goals will give you direction and purpose. Work steadily towards them, and don't be afraid to adjust them as you grow and learn more about yourself.

Manage Your Time Wisely: Manaakitanga (School Value) Responsibility

  • Balancing school work, extracurricular activities, and personal time can be challenging. Develop good time management habits early on. Create a schedule, prioritise tasks, and set aside dedicated time for both work and relaxation.

Ask for Help When Needed: Whakatutukitanga (School Value) Achievement

  • We are here to support you. If you ever find yourself struggling with school work, personal issues, or anything else, don't hesitate to reach out to your teachers, counselors, or any staff member. Seeking help is a sign of strength, and we are committed to helping you succeed.

Get Involved: Whakatutukitanga (School Value) Achievement

  • Explore the various clubs, sports, and activities our school has to offer. Being involved in extracurricular activities not only enhances your skills and interests but also provides opportunities to make lasting friendships.

Be Respectful and Inclusive: Rangatiratanga (School Value) Respect

  • Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Embrace the diversity within our school community and make an effort to include others. Your actions contribute to creating a positive and welcoming environment for everyone.

Take Care of Yourself: Manaakitanga (School Value) Responsibility

  • Your well-being is paramount. Make sure to get enough rest, eat healthily, and engage in activities that bring you joy. A healthy mind and body contribute to your overall success.

Celebrate Achievements, Learn from Failures:Whakatutukitanga (School Value) Achievement

  • Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Similarly, view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Every experience contributes to your personal and academic development.

Have Fun and Enjoy the Journey:

  • While achieving academic success is essential, remember to enjoy the journey of learning. Find joy in the process, make memories, and savor the moments that make your school years special.

I am confident that each of you has the potential for greatness and I look forward to witnessing your achievements and growth throughout the school year. If you ever need guidance or support, know that my door is always open.

Here's to a fantastic year ahead!

Ngā mihi nui

Marcus Cooper


Geraldine High School

Te Kura Tuarua o Raukapuka

Posted Tuesday January 30, 2024
