Kia ora koutou
Kia ora koutou
We have heard lots of buzzing stories from around the kura from our ākonga. It has been great to see everyone back in the room after such a long and hopefully restful holiday. Our pōwhiri started us on our new journey with Mr Marcus Cooper, the new school tumuaki (principal). His presence and vision for GHS brings a fresh face into our school and new ideas. Mr Cooper has already come by to visit us in TWA and it was immediately noted by the students that there was a bit of height difference between him and myself.
Moving on we have already started some great events at GHS. Our swimming sports has taken place earlier this year to make the best out of the weather along with gaining some access to a swimming pool that doesn't have a construction zone next to it...that's right, we are without a gymnasium for the year and all P.E. classes are being held in the hall until the new build is completed. Also to note, is that our school athletics is creeping around the corner and we look forward to great opportunities for the TWA representatives.
The final note comes with a new change within TWA this year. As Mrs Vincent and myself have shared responsibility of being co-Head of Departments over the last four years, Mrs Vincent has taken on a new opportunity as the school SENCo (Special Education Needs Co-ordinator). She is still working and teaching students in TWA, but has new responsibilities to the mainstream students. This only means that I will be taking on more responsibility for students within TWA and any communication/concern/questions should be directed towards me from now on. Mrs Vincent will still be able to answer some classroom and learning related questions, but the oversight of TWA will mainly be with me. Please if you have any questions on this feel free to email me
Looking forward to another banner year here in TWA!
Iti noa ana he pito mata.
From a withered tree a flower blooms.
Ngā mihi,Mr. Ducher