Tertiary Enrolment Preparations
Tertiary Enrolment Preparations
For some of you, your child is about to go on to their next stage of education at a tertiary institution.
Year 13s have been talked through the process for enrolling in courses, applying for Halls of Residence and applying for scholarships. This was a lot of information for them to process and they may benefit from some help from home to sort through all the different bits and pieces they need to do.
If you are the parent of a Year 13 student, you should have received the presentation we gave to the students and all the links. After reviewing the information, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Assistant Principal, Suzanne Pidduck (s.pidduck@geraldinehs.school.nz) or Year 13 Dean, Whaea Jordyn (Jordyn Te Rahui-Hobbs (j.terahuihobbs@geraldinehs.school.nz) and we will do our best to help you.