Attendance 2025
Attendance 2025
Term 1 has been a busy one so far, and we have loved seeing our students coming in each day, ready to learn and engage with their peers and kaiako. We would like to remind our students and their whānau of the start times for each day of school, so that they can ensure they are here on time and ready to learn. Below you can see the start times and classes for the start of each day.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8:50am Whānau Classes | 8:50am Assembly | 9:05am Period 1 classes | 8:50am Whānau Classes | 8:50am Whānau Classes |
It is important that students arrive to school on time. If they are late to school they need to sign in at the office and provide a late note from home where possible.
There have been some changes to attendance codes and requirements of late that we would like to share with students and whānau. These changes have made it easier to track attendance and have reduced the number of codes used to log absences.
We would also like to remind parents/caregivers to contact the school if your child will not be present. If we do not have contact from home then your child will be marked with a question mark, which will then be changed to Truant if we cannot confirm the reason for absence with parents/caregivers.
We would finally like to remind students that Year 7-12 students must stay at school during morning tea and lunchtime, unless their parent/caregiver has contacted the school requesting they leave the grounds for an appointment or to get kai with their caregivers outside of school.